KYOWA offers a broad array of pressure transducers of all kinds: transducers offering excellent precision of use in industrial measuring and instrumentation, transducers with built-in amplifiers, transducers featuring flash diaphragms for superior dynamic characteristics, etc. Here we introduce are just a selection from those KYOWA performers actively serving in all industrial and research fields. Each performer is presented in an independent file for faster downloading.
Whatever you choose, KYOWA pressure transducers give you
Long Hours of Stable OperationKYOWA pressure transducers feature airtight, welded-metal construction to ensure long hours of stable operation. This completely blocks out ambient influences to prevent moisture absorption. Charging of inert gas prevents aging of various resistance characteristics.High-precision Pressure MeasurementExtremely high measurement precision is achieved through the use of strain gages of outstanding linearity and sensing elements made from ultra-high-tensile steel, for superlative response-strain characteristics.Outstanding Temperature CharacteristicsStrain gages, which serve as the pressure detection elements, feature self-temperature-compensating gages developed through KIOWA"s superior micro technologies. The result is minimal fluctuations in sensitivity caused by temperature changes and minimal zero-point fluctuations, enabling usage over a broad temperature range.Remote Multi-point MeasurementPressure readings measured by a strain-gage pressure transducer can be passed through a strain measuring device or amplifier for recording on an oscillograph or data recorder. A pressure transducer of this type is also ideal for use as a detector in computerized control systems or automation instrumentation.Explosion-proof SystemThe lineup of KYOWA pressure transducers includes models featuring structures certified to be fully explosion-proof. These models can be safely used to take pressure measurements in locations which may be subject to the presence of explosive gases, such as inflammable gases, and liquids.